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Welcome to St. Joseph Parish Ministries and Organizations. 

At St. Joseph, we encourage and invite all parish members to become part

of any one of our parish ministries. 

Feel free to join any time by calling the parish office at 724-981-3232

and you will be directed to the ministry's contact person.

​​Let the gifts God has blessed upon you be shared with our Parish Community.​


Our parish ministries are listed below.

To contact or to join a ministry, please call the church office at 724-981-3232.

Altar Servers..................................................Fr. James Power

Baptismal Class......................................... Fr. James Power

Bereavement ............................................................. Bob Clarke


Building & Maintenance ........................... Frank Connelly


 Cemeteries, St. Rose/St. Mary ........................Carol Koch

Choir / Music Ministry ....................................Mary Messina

Cursillo Liaison .......................................... Mary Beth Jones

Eucharistic Ministers ....................................... Lori Vasconi

Food Pantry..................................... TO VOLUNTEER ONLY

Garden & Grounds Committee ........ Fr. James Power

Hospitality/Greeters ...........................................Lori Vasconi

Knights of Columbus ......................................... Tom Rookey


Lectors ..........................................................................Lori Vasconi

Liturgy Committee ...................................... Sandy Swogger

Money Counters ........................................... Fr. James Power

Parish Advocate for the Disabled ........ Catherine Holl

Pastoral Council ........................................... Fr. James Power

Prayer Chain .............................................................. Joan Stoudt

Prince of Peace Soup Kitchen .................... Joann White

Pro-Life ...........................................Catherine Holl & Elly Bell

Quilters .......................................................... Joann Sangregorio

R.C.I.A...................................................................... Melissa Joseph

Faith Formation/Religious Ed................ Melissa Joseph

Sacramental Prep ...........................................Melissa Joseph

Sacristan .....................................................................Stephen Pass


Social Media ................................................................Lori Vasconi

St. Joseph Parish Finance Committee ..... Jim Feeney

Ushers ................................................................... Fr. James Power

West Hill Ministries ...................................... Mary Beth Jones


Women’s Guild ....................................................................Elly Bell

St. Joseph Parish

79 Case Avenue

Sharon, Pennsylvania 16146

Pastor:  Fr. James Power

Office E-mail:

Phone: 724-981-3232

2024 Web Design by LorelliDesigns

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