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15 September 2024

Dear Students, Parents and Guardians,

        Welcome to a new year of Faith Formation at St. Joseph Church! As you settle into your new fall routines, I know there is a lot on your schedules and it can be very stressful. I am thankful, though, that you have seen the value in including Faith Formation classes in your family life. Rather than being one more thing to add to your list of “have-to’s”, I hope you see these classes as a “get-to” opportunity, one in which you get to encounter our loving and merciful God reflected in the students, teachers, and parents around you. Each Sunday brings with it the remarkable gift of gathering and collaborating with others while learning more about the faith that ties us together as brothers and sisters in Christ.

        As we embark on this journey, there are a few “house-keeping” items I need to point out. First, if you have not done so already, please complete a registration form for your student(s) and return it with the annual book and supply fee ($40 for one child, $70 for a family (2 or more students)). There is an option to register and pay online following the links available on the church website: Second, the Photo Authorization Release form must be signed and returned for each student enrolled. This year, the Parent & Student Handbook has been updated and includes an acknowledgment page that also must be signed and returned. Please take the time to go over the handbook with your child(ren) so that everyone is familiar and comfortable with the procedures of the program.

        Finally, communication is key to a positive relationship, and as such, I will make every effort to have open, frequent, and efficient communication with you. I will primarily use email, so please make sure you provide me with your preferred email address. You can also check the Faith Formation pages on the church website for updated information, resources, and forms. In addition to these platforms I will utilize the Remind app to send important announcements and reminders. Please follow the instructions attached to join the Faith Formation Remind group.

        I am looking forward to getting to know each one of the students this year and working with our families to create a supportive and loving atmosphere of growth in our faith lives. If you have any questions or concerns, please never hesitate to reach out.


“Therefore, encourage one another and build one another up, as indeed you do.”

                           (1 Thessalonians 5:11)



​Peace in Christ,
Melissa Joseph
Director of Religious Education




Faith Formation, Director of Religious Education


724-981-3232 ext. 14


St. Joseph Parish

79 Case Avenue

Sharon, Pennsylvania 16146

Pastor:  Fr. James Power

Office E-mail:

Phone: 724-981-3232

2024 Web Design by Lorelli Studio

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