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Scheduling your Baptism: Parents are required to participate in a  Baptismal Class before having their child baptized.  This informative class reminds us of what Baptism means in our Catholic Faith, the role of a godparent and how to select godparents, and schedule a baptism date.


Baptisms are generally scheduled during one of our weekend Masses. Special arrangements outside of Mass may be accommodated.​


To schedule your baptism, please call the church office at 724-981-3232 or email

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Confession Times: St. Joseph Parish- Saturday from 4:00 until 4:45 p.m.

                                     St. Anthony - By appointment by calling 724-981-3232.


The Sacrament of Reconciliation is received during the 2nd grade Faith Formation program.  


A child's First Reconciliation takes place generally in the month of May.



We Celebrate the Eucharist at each Mass; the most intimate moment, the reception of 

Holy Communion.


​At St. Joseph Parish

Weekend: Saturday Vigil at 5:15p.m. and Sunday at11:00 a.m.

Weekdays: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 8:00 a.m. and

                     Wednesday at 12:10 p.m.

Holy Days of Obligation: 12:10 and 7:00 p.m.

Check current bulletin for weekly changes.



At St. Anthony Parish

Weekend: Sunday at 8:30 a.m.


Fr. Power will visit and distribute Holy Communion if you are hospitalized.  We are not able to call the local hospitals for an updated Catholic list of patience, so we ask that you please contact St. Joseph Church with your room number and hospital name. 


St.  Joseph offers First Thursday Visitations to those who are disable or sick and are unable to physically attend Mass.  The first Thursday of each month a Eucharistic Minister or Fr. Power will visit the shut-in's home and distribute Holy Communion.  When Fr. Power visits, he will also distribute the Sacrament of Anointing to the parishioner.


To sign-up on the First Thursday Visitation, please call St. Joseph Office at 724-981-3232.

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The Sacrament of Confirmation is received in the 9th grade for those in the Faith Formation program and for adults in the OCIA program.


A special Confirmation Mass is scheduled during the spring season and is celebrated with the Bishop of Erie.  


Congratulations on your engagement!  As with most milestones, there is an abundance of preparations, to which holds true in our Catholic Faith when scheduling a wedding.  A couple will need to contact the pastor six months in advance prior to the wedding date


A Pre-Cana class is also required for the couple.  There are several locations within the  Erie Diocese that offer the Pre-Cana sessions throughout the year.  Please click here to view the current list of locations and times to schedule your Pre-Cana class.

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At the Last Supper, Jesus ordained the 12 Apostles to continue his saving work throughout the world and throughout the centuries. The successors of the Apostles are the bishops and priests of today. The Sacrament of Holy Orders confers upon designated men the spiritual power to teach, lead and sanctify in the name of Jesus. There are three levels to the Sacrament of Holy Orders: Diaconate, Presbyterate (priesthood) and Episcopacy (bishops). The Sacrament of Holy Orders allows a man to teach and act in the person of the risen Jesus—particularly in the celebration of the sacraments for God’s people.

Interested in becoming a priest in the Diocese of Erie? Please call Fr. James Power at 724-981-3232 or Visit to learn more.

Visit to learn more about becoming a deacon in the Diocese of Erie.

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In the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, Jesus carries on in His Church his ministry to the ill in body, mind and spirit which he exercised in the towns and villages of Judea. 


If you are in need of a Sacramental Anointing, please call St. Joseph Office at              724-981-3232.   



St. Joseph Parish

79 Case Avenue

Sharon, Pennsylvania 16146

Pastor:  Fr. James Power

Office E-mail:

Phone: 724-981-3232

2024 Web Design by Lorelli Studio

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